April CampNaNo2020 Day 2 Recap

Yet again, I didn’t start working on my CampNaNo project, Obscure Origin, until another nighttime writing livestream because I spent all day today having classes and completing assignments for said classes that are due tomorrow. But that said, I finished writing my outline! Here’s a snapshot of it below in Scrivener’s “corkboard” view.

The colors represent the alternating POV of the novel

By the way, if you’re participating in Camp, you can get a discount on my favorite writing software ever: Scrivener. Everyone says it has a steep learning curve (which I kind of disagree with), but once you master it, it saves you so much time by having research, multiple ways to visualize your outline, and your novel’s documents all in one place.

Because I haven’t started technically writing my novel yet, I didn’t update my Camp NaNo progress. You can see my book progress below:

I Killed Anna Walsh
Past Lives Inc.
Kingpin Killers
Due:1 year ago

How’s your April and/or CampNaNo going? Sound off in the comments down below.

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