1 Week to Unmoored’s Publication

As much as I’ve been looking forward to Unmoored‘s publication, I also had a part of me that felt like this would never actually come. I spent so much time on writing and revising and editing The Belgrave Legacy, and a (shorter but still long) time on Ivy and Alec’s story. When I was editing and formatting, I was constantly checking the time I had left, but since it’s been done, the countdown seems to have been flying by. I’ve since learned that I’m very bad at keeping track of non-deadline dates and that days seem to merge in my mind, so this is no surprise.

To add to the excitement, my cover artist has finished the print cover (which means I’ll be able to publish the paperback the same time as the eBook—or can try: preorder for paperback isn’t available and so I have no true control over when Amazon will put it up for sale—insert eyeroll). Anyway, it’s gorgeous.

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