The Other Shoe Dropped

You know when people say, “enjoy it while it lasts”? Well, my first 5 days of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) were amazing. You can see below my 3rd day was sub-par, but I made it up on the 4th day and kept it up on the 5th. But then I had a 3 day streak of yellow. And you may be wondering why.

NaNoWriMo progress calendar

Short answer: my computer malfunctioned and I didn’t have it to write for those days. I was typing on my phone, giving myself hand cramps as I did. It was slow and literally painful. But, I just got my laptop back today and am prepared to catch up on the 3,281 words I need by the end of the day to be back on track. Today is red because as of writing this, I haven’t written any more of Unmoored yet.

Now, I was fully prepared to spend a week (11/6-11/13) without my laptop even though, as a college student and author in the middle of NaNo, the thought filled me with terror. But things got even worse on Monday, because I (and many other authors) received an unexpected email from our book distributor Pronoun, telling us the company was closing in January. Which, again, is something I can easily deal with (others aren’t so lucky). But without my laptop, the news made me internally panic.

Today, I started the process of pulling The Belgrave Legacy and the related Short Story Collection from publication. I’ll be publishing it again as soon as possible on Amazon, but since I rarely ever get sales from iBooks, I’ve decided to make my books exclusively available on Amazon.

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