Camp NaNoWriMo is HERE!

It’s July 1st and that means that Camp NaNoWriMo is here. It’s the write a book (50k words) in a month but in April and July. I skipped April’s (I was in finals mode). The nice thing with Camp vs November’s event is that you can set a flexible writing goal.

This month, I set my goal for 30,000 words because I already had ~30k in Taming the Alpha when it turned from June to July.

I’m using Camp NaNo as the kick-in-the-butt I need to finish the draft before I hand it over to be critiqued by my author friend Jessi Elliott. We were in a critique group last month and I spent the latter half of June revising what I’d written (I know: shame on me) instead of finishing the draft. However, I can’t change the past.

Nor would I want to. By adding in more details according to the feedback I received, I’ve had more ideas come to me regarding the rest of the novel that had started to feel stale (I finished the outline in mid-January) and that was over 6 months ago.

The advice, the revision, and Camp NaNo are all making me excited again to write this story. And the words flow faster when I’m excited about the story I’m writing.

So, that’s me. Are you participating in Camp NaNo? If so, what are you writing?

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