Every Good Word Link-Up

  1. What was your first-ever piece of writing? It was the summer before 4th Grade and I wrote a 200 page Nancy Drew-inspired novel.
  2. How old were you when you first began writing? I was eight! The summer before, my grandma had taught me to type, so I used my writing as an excuse to practice that (it worked!)
  3. Name two writing goals. One short term & one long term.My short term goal is to finish Tears of an Angel (Belgrave #2) by late January/early February 2014. My long term goal is to have success with self-publishing The Belgrave Daughter, the rest of The Belgrave Legacy, and my other books.
  4. Do you write fiction or non-fiction? So far, I only write fiction, but maybe in the future I’ll write an autobiography or some other type of non-fiction.
  5. Bouncing off of question 4, what’s your favorite genre to write in? Fantasy or Romance. Actually, my Belgrave Legacy trilogy is Fantasy Romance, but yeah.
  6. One writing lesson you’ve learned since 2013 began. Prioritizing writing can do wonders for productivity. I wrote my first draft in 3 months, whereas most of my other (non-published) books had taken me a whole year to write.
  7. Favorite author, off the top of your head! J.K. Rowling and the Harry Potter series!
  8. Three current favorite books. Divergent by Veronica Roth; The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater; & Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher.
  9. Biggest influence on your writing {person}: My mom. And grandmother. Hands. Down.They taught me how to read, write, type, and have supported me and my writing dream from the very start.
  10. What’s your go-to writing music? The Les Miserables and Swan Lake film soundtracks. I also love music by Sara Bareilles and Christina Perri.
  11. List three to five writing quirks of your’s! Little habits, must-haves as you write, etc. My (charged) iPhone, earphones, and my laptop (with charger).
  12. What, in three sentences or less, does your writing mean to you? My life’s purpose and the happiest moments of my life.
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