I’d like to thank Joan for nominating me! Okay, 7 things about me…
- I love musical theater. I have a tradition of seeing a show for every birthday of mine since I was around 5.
- In addition to writing, my second favorite thing to do is sing (it’s replaced reading, but reading is still up there).
- I love reimagined fairytales like the Faerie Tale Collection by Jenni James, the musical Wicked (the book was too depressing), and the TV show Once Upon a Time.
- I have six names.
- I was adopted from China.
- I was terribly disappointed by the Les Miserables movie, but I love the musical with all my heart.
- I love The Vampire Diaries, Sherlock, The Avengers, Chris Pine, and Benedict Cumberbatch.
I would like to nominate (in no particular order): Heather, Leah, Cait, Jo, Scott, Allison, Oliver, Elizabeth, Lily, Brian, Caitlin, Adriana, Aidyl, and Hannah.
If You Were Nominated:
- Display the logo on a post.
- Thank the person who nominated you and link to his/her site.
- State seven (7) things about you.
- Nominate fourteen (14) bloggers and inform them via comment in their blog.